
How do hot and cold crypto wallets differ?

Cryptocurrency wallets come in various forms, but they primarily fall into two categories: hot and cold wallets. The main distinction between them is their connection (or lack thereof) to the internet.

Hot Wallet: This is a software-based wallet that is always connected to the internet. It's like an online bank account where you can quickly access and transact with your funds. However, because it's online, it's susceptible to potential threats like hacks or malware. Think of it as keeping some cash in your pocket; it's handy for daily expenses but might not be the safest place to store your life savings.

Cold Wallet: This is a physical device or a piece of paper that remains offline, storing your cryptocurrency keys. It's not connected to the internet, making it immune to online hacking attempts. It's akin to a safety deposit box: harder to access but much more secure.

In essence, while hot wallets offer convenience, cold wallets provide enhanced security. Depending on your needs and the amount of cryptocurrency you're holding, you might choose to use one or both types of wallets.